chamomile & lavender

chamomile & lavender


only the finest ingredients

we pride ourselves on using the finest ingredients, and only offering full-leaf herbs and flowers - no crushed herbs or tea bags full of dust!

  • 100% organic

  • hand-picked and traceable

  • natural, no fillers

  • processed in a gluten-free environment


what we offer

Rather than focusing on the symptoms, Your True Health is based on targeting the root cause and using natural therapies to enhance the body’s healing potential.

While avoiding steroids and chemical products, this approach allows the entire being to benefit from the body’s natural healing power.


bulgarian rose tea


about Hristo and Your True Health

My story began when I was 25 years old. I was diagnosed with Ankylosing Spondylitis, which is a debilitating spine condition. The doctors told me that the illness progresses slowly or aggressively and there is no way to predict which one it will be…

continue reading Hristo’s story